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The Bookstore that
delights in your growth!
Sophia Bookstore
SMEDAN N0: SUIN378216561461
SMEDAN N0: SUIN378216561461
Sophia Bookstore offers a diverse selection of books, including Bibles, journals, surprise packages, wedding surprise packages, educational games, and stationery accessories guided by Proverbs 4:7 (TPT): "Wisdom is the most valuable commodity—so buy it ! Revelation-knowledge is what you need—so invest in it!"
Our mission is to provide resources that inspire, educate, and delight.
Motto: Your growth, Our delight.
Product Categories
- Bibles (Different versions)
- Long note
- Short note
- Hard back
- Rulers
- Pencils/pen
- Jotter/Journals
- File/Folder/Envelope
- Ruler/Eraser/correction pen/fluid/Blade...Etc
Stationary Accessories:
- Sticky note/paper
- Highlighter
- Wall/Wardrobe decoration
- ID card holder/Safety pin and office pin
- Cello-Tape/Stapler
- Cardboard
- Customized readers tote bag, shirt and cap
- Flash cards( For all Subjects, Course, etc.)
Surprise Pack:
- Birthday, Anniversary and Surprise pack
- Educative Game e.g. chess, scrabbles and more
- Children's education games
- Christian Novels (children, teenagers and adults)
- Fiction/Non-fiction Novels
- Adventure Novels
- Motivational Novel
- All novels except (Romantic Novels)
Education Books-
(New and old textbooks):
- Primary school textbooks and novels
- Secondary school textbooks and novels
- Tertiary Institution Textbooks
- Self-development textbooks/ books